Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Joy of a Good Listen

I love listening to stories. Some audio books are just so well read they beg to be listened to again and again. Stephen Briggs' reading of The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett is one such story.
This is the tale of Tiffany Aching, a young girl with keen observation skills who becomes entwined in the magical world. With a firm grasp on reality, and her frying pan, Tiffany finds herself in league with the Nac Mac Feegle (also known as the Wee Free Men). While best known for their fightin', stealin' and drinkin', the little blue men also become fiercely protective of Tiffany when she must rescue her sticky little brother Wentworth from the Queen of the Elves.

Although a delightful fantasy, this story is ultimately about common sense, standing up for "them as can't" and the magic of truly seeing what is around you.

To find this book in the Library, go to our website at

Reviewed by Korie B.

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