Animals Make us Human, Creating the Best Life for Animals by Temple Grandin
Dogs are the only animals that can follow a person's gaze or pointing finger to find out where a piece of food is hidden. Cats have social needs (they aren't the loners we think they are). Cows establish close relationships with their sisters and mothers. Dolphins and whales are multicultural.
Acclaimed animal scientist/author Temple Grandin is a person with autism and a unique ability to understand how animals think. In her latest book, Animals Make us Human, she focuses on how to create the best life for animals - domestic and wild. Grandin explains that a good life needs three things: health, freedom from pain and negative emotions and activities that turn on seeking and play. Even if you believe you know a lot about animals, this book will surprise and intrigue you. I highly recommend it!
To find this book in the Library, go to our website at http://www.newberglibrary.org/
Reviewed by S. Easterly
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