Against Medical Advice by James Patterson and Hal Friedman
Though one of the authors is the famous thriller writer James Patterson, this true story is told through the voice of Cory, a young boy who suddenly manifests various tics and involuntary utterances.
Though one of the authors is the famous thriller writer James Patterson, this true story is told through the voice of Cory, a young boy who suddenly manifests various tics and involuntary utterances.
At the age of 5 Cory awakes one morning with an uncontrollable urge to twitch his neck. Cody is soon diagnosed with Tourette's syndrom and OCD and embarks on a torteous journey of specialists, treatments and drugs. Seeing the disease through the eyes of the victim sheds light on the uncontrollableness of the disease and the struggle a young man has living with the disease's outbursts and trying to be just normal. This is a true story of one's boy journey through hell and his triumph in the end.
The book reads easily and the voice pulls you in as you feel this young man's frustrations. Kudos goes to the parents of Cory for their supernatural support of him, their willingness to try most anything and to love him through all of it.
To find this book in the Library, go to our website at http://www.newberglibrary.org/
Reviewed by Denise