Guthrie is a lonely man, unhappy in his job as a schoolteacher and on the brink of loosing his severely depressed wife. Ike and Bobby are his two little boys who suddenly find that they must more or less make their own way when their mother abandons them physically and their father emotionally. Victoria is an introspective quiet girl who finds herself pregnant and out on the streets when her mother kicks her out and the father of her baby is nowhere to be found. The McPherons are two old brothers who keep to themselves and their curmudgeonly ways until their quiet solitude is disturbed, or perhaps filled, with the arrival of the pregnant teenager. Maggie Jones is the kind, take-care-of-business woman who brings them all together.
Though somewhat slow-paced, I enjoyed this novel and the array of characters Haruf presents. The descriptions of the landscapes and the wonderful old coot McPheron brothers are particularly enjoyable assets to this colorful novel.
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Reviewed by Lori M