Meet Truly, a "large" woman, sister of the beautiful Serena Jane who grow up in Aberdeen, a community stuck between a village and a town. The book is about Truly, shunned due to her size, Marcus the wiz kid in the school, Serena Jane the beauty queen and all the other unique personalities which make up the small minded town. We share in Truly's struggles growing up, her friendships, her lack of family and her heartaches and her dreams.
Along the way, Truly discovers an old and a new secret which end up changing the community and herself forever.
This book is about learning to accept ourselves and others. The book is full of little revelations :"Here's what I know about small towns: People in them are either all-forgiving or intolerant as mules, and the way they choose often comes down to the issue of what you're willing to sacrifice". Throw in a bit of humor and you have a great read.
Review by Denise